 |
A damn tiny abstraction Layer to create X11 window/widgets with cairo surfaces
Go to the documentation of this file.
45 #include <mach-o/getsect.h>
52 extern const unsigned char _section$__DATA__ ## NAME [];
53 #define LDVAR(NAME) _section$__DATA__ ## NAME
54 #define LDLEN(NAME) (getsectbyname("__DATA", "__" #NAME)->size)
56 #elif (defined __WIN32__)
59 extern const unsigned char binary_ ## NAME ## _start[]; \
60 extern const unsigned char binary_ ## NAME ## _end[];
62 binary_ ## NAME ## _start
64 ((binary_ ## NAME ## _end) - (binary_ ## NAME ## _start))
69 extern const unsigned char _binary_ ## NAME ## _start[]; \
70 extern const unsigned char _binary_ ## NAME ## _end[];
72 _binary_ ## NAME ## _start
74 ((_binary_ ## NAME ## _end) - (_binary_ ## NAME ## _start))
92 const unsigned char *
96 #include "xresources.h"
169 #endif //XPNGLOADER_H_
void widget_set_icon_from_surface(Widget_t *w, Pixmap *icon_, cairo_surface_t *image)
widget_set_icon_from_surface - set icon image from cairo surface for Widget_t those icon will be used...
binary_stream - struct definition to read binary data into cairo surface
void widget_get_png(Widget_t *w, const unsigned char *name)
widget_get_png - read png into Widget_t xlib surface
const unsigned char * data
void widget_get_scaled_png(Widget_t *w, const unsigned char *name)
widget_get_scaled_png - read scaled png into Widget_t xlib surface
void widget_get_surface_ptr(Widget_t *w, Widget_t *wid)
widget_get_surface_ptr - set pointer to a 2. Widget_t xlib surface
void widget_set_icon_from_png(Widget_t *w, Pixmap *icon_, const unsigned char *name)
widget_set_icon_from_png - set icon image from png binary to Widget_t those icon will be used in the ...
cairo_surface_t * cairo_image_surface_create_from_stream(const unsigned char *name)
cairo_image_surface_create_from_stream - read binary data into cairo surface from stream
cairo_surface_t * surface_get_png(Widget_t *w, cairo_surface_t *sf, const unsigned char *name)
surface_get_png - read png into Widget_t xlib surface